Listing current toys

496 toys

ID Name Status # pieces Category Age Range Manufacturer
134 Side laying activity centre In library U A: Universal access 1 - 6
492 Police helicopter In library C: Car - small toy cars 2 - 6
148 Pull along giraffe In library B: Beginner 1 - 6 Brio
314 Abacus walker On loan I: Indoor 2 - 4
157 Sensory play tiles In library 4 Motor: Gross motor 3 - 6 Kmart
31 Rubbish truck In library 2 C: Car - small toy cars
650 Baby Play Table In library 16 B: Beginner
57 Peek-a-boo cuckoo clock In library B: Beginner 6mths - 2 Fisher Price
748 Wooden Dolls House In library 27 P: Play set 3 - 6
730 Roll around drop and roar dinosaur On loan 8 I: Indoor Fisher Price
694 Balance Bike In library RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters
325 Funboard with Trestle In library 3 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 2 - 6
337 Roller Coaster In library 6 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 1 - 4 Step 2
282 Alligator Teeter Totter In library 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 6
619A Tool Belt In library 11 I: Indoor
122 Transport 3D domino puzzle In library 28 PUZ: Puzzles 3 - 6
465 Wooden activity centre On loan B: Beginner 0 - 2
26 Duplo Construction Site In library 114 CON: Construction 3 - 6
74 Dinosaur Costume In library 1 COST: Costume
595 Sylvannian Family Nursery In library 39 I: Indoor
807 Mixed bugs, insects and spiders In library Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 2 - 6
726 Wahu & waboba beach bundle In library 10 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys
131 3D Feel & Find In library 28 GAME: Games 3 - 6
589 Marble run Music motion In library 98 I: Indoor 3 - 6 Hape
116 Messy play hex tray In library Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 1 - 6
815 Tonies box set On loan 6 M: Musical 3 - 6
625 Elsa Frozen Costume In library 2 COST: Costume
735 Soft Bug House In library 10 P: Play set 2 - 4
729 Sensory Tub In library 4 I: Indoor
816 Spot it animals On loan 56 GAME: Games 4+
553 Cinderella Costume (4-6 years) On loan 2 COST: Costume
28 Grimms large rainbow In library 12 I: Indoor
738 Pizza set In library 25 I: Indoor
479 Training juggling In library 10 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys
144 Peppa pig snap cards In library 34 GAME: Games 3+
666 Farm Animal Barn Set In library 30 P: Play set 3 - 6 Kmart
135 Nursery rhyme caterpillar In library U A: Universal access 1 - 6
647A DIY Fruit Cake In library 63 I: Indoor 3 - 6
104 Activity Box Everearth In library 6 B: Beginner 0 - 2
648 Kick Bricks 2 In library 28 I: Indoor 1 - 6
380 Weed Trimmer Toy In library R: Role-Play 3 - 6 Kmart
387 Eurotrike In library 2 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 3 - 6 Euro trike
684 Twister Boardgame In library 3 GAME: Games 1 - 4
496 wooden block tray In library 51 CON: Construction 2 - 4
115 Track a ball rack On loan 6 I: Indoor 2 - 6
PB9 Puzzle Box 9 In library 3 AB: Activity Box 2 - 6 Ravensburger
552 Little Mermaid Costume (4-6 years) In library 1 COST: Costume
30 Dance with me Dino In library 11 F M: Fine motor
123 Little People Car Wash and Fuel Station In library 12 P: Play set 1 - 6 Fisher Price
53 My pretty learning lamp In library 1 B: Beginner 6mths - 2 Fisher Price
343 Wooden BBQ Barrow In library 20 I: Indoor 2 - 6
734 Fisher price Pig Money Box In library 8 B: Beginner 1 - 3
348 Wall Quoits In library 6 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 3 - 6
218 Disney Dance Mat In library M: Musical
132 Lunchbox set In library 13 I: Indoor 1 - 6
609 Coko Dinosaur Pack In library 60 I: Indoor 1 - 6
671 Indredibles Costume In library COST: Costume 3 - 6 Kmart
150 Pop it in the post In library 21 GAME: Games 1 - 6 Edtoy
141 Mini Train Set In library 22 I: Indoor
81 Police Costume - Large In library 4 COST: Costume 4+
803 Little nation baby balance bike blue On loan RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 6
149 Farmyard heads and tails In library 24 GAME: Games 1 - 6 Orchard Game
682 Fisher Price laugh and learn piano In library B: Beginner 1 - 3 Fisher Price
739 Mini marathon pram with toddler seat In library 7 I: Indoor
137 Cosmic steering wheel In library U A: Universal access 1 - 6
139 Somatosensory bead chain In library U A: Universal access 1 - 6
812 Mirabel Costume Toddler size In library 1 COST: Costume 1 - 3
54 Learning toolbench In library 1 B: Beginner 6mths - 2 Fisher Price
145 Duplo Elsa and Olaf tea party In library 16 CON: Construction 2 - 6 Duplo
690 Ikea toy hammering block In library 10 B: Beginner Ikea
151 KAPLA wooden box 100 In library 101 CON: Construction 2 - 6
276 Kitchen and Utensils In library 39 I: Indoor 1 - 6
432 Pedal Roller In library RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 2 - 6
311 Little Tikes Activity Garden Safe N Fun Mirror In library I: Indoor 1 - 4
737 Pink Wooden Tea set In library 13 P: Play set 2 - 6
703 Fisher Price Walker In library B: Beginner 1 - 3
663 Doctors kit In library 7 R: Role-Play 3 - 6
5 Klikko Construction Set In library 245 CON: Construction
AB19 Baby activity box 6-12 months On loan 11 AB: Activity Box 0 - 1 Fat Brain Toys
195 Neighbourhood Wagon In library 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 6 Step 2
478 Fire Chief On loan 5 COST: Costume
61 Utility Truck In library 1 CON: Construction 1 - 4
1 Wooden balance bike In library RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 2 - 4
635 Push and Ride Alphabet Train In library 14 I: Indoor 1 - 3
AB5 Activity Box 5 In library 5 AB: Activity Box 3 - 6
124 Happyland post office and village vet In library 7 P: Play set 2 - 6 Fisher Price
127 Little People surprise sounds zoo In library 6 P: Play set 2 - 6 Fisher Price
668 Paw Patrol Skye costume In library COST: Costume 3 - 6
778 Pink Whirlwind 2 wheeler bike In library RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 4+
796 Tow truck On loan C: Car - small toy cars 1 - 6
155 Pump & splash discovery pond On loan 11 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 2 - 6 Step 2
43 Snow white dress In library 1 COST: Costume
792 happyland princess castle In library 15 P: Play set
142A Coits In library 8 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys
90 Duplo junior In library 40 CON: Construction
621 Young Maestro Baby Rattles In library B: Beginner
156 Peppa Pig All Around Town PlaySet In library 29 P: Play set 3+
744 Tea and cake set In library 14 I: Indoor
696 ECG Doctor medical play center In library 13 R: Role-Play
55 Learning letters mailbox In library 2 B: Beginner 6mths - 2 Fisher Price
656 CAT Dump truck On loan (overdue) C: Car - small toy cars 2 - 6
794 Winnie the Pooh Counter In library 10 I: Indoor 1 - 3
699 Razor 2 wheeler scooter In library F M: Fine motor
651 Little People's Play House In library 6 I: Indoor
152 KAPLA book and colours blue In library 40 CON: Construction 2 - 6
71 Kangaroo Costume In library 1 COST: Costume
759 Rain showers splash pond water table On loan (overdue) 14 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys
423 Indian Costume In library 4 COST: Costume
20 Shape sorter In library 5 B: Beginner
706 Bear skipping rope In library Sport: Sport and outdoor toys
45 Vtech soft singing phone In library B: Beginner 6mths - 2
338 Bongo Drums In library M: Musical
692 Fisher Price Laugh and Learn Piano In library B: Beginner
204 Baby Activity Box In library 9 AB: Activity Box 0 - 1
95 Tail poi In library 3 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 3+
216 Disney Dance Mat In library 1 PUZ: Puzzles 1 - 3
364 Baby Musical Instruments On loan 8 B: Beginner 0 - 2
482 Ironman Costume In library 2 COST: Costume
130 Twist ‘n Sort In library 11 PUZ: Puzzles 3 - 6
691 Blue Golf Set On loan 12 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 1 - 3
686 Snakes and Ladders In library 7 GAME: Games 4+
147 Duplo Farm Animals In library 15 CON: Construction 2 - 6 Duplo
481 Remo Sound Shapes In library 10 I: Indoor 1 - 3
422 Clown Costume In library 5 COST: Costume
782 Fisher price go baby go crawl along drum roll In library M: Musical
34 Action Fliers In library 18 I: Indoor 1 - 6 Little Tikes
56 2 in 1 Cart & wheelbarrow set In library 9 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 2 - 4 Little Tikes
AB20 Tummy time activity box On loan 6 AB: Activity Box 0 - 1
244 Sensory Bags On loan 2 B: Beginner
119 Let’s go fishin On loan 28 GAME: Games 4+
246 Tunnel Tube In library 1 Motor: Gross motor
AB7 Activity Box 7 In library 7 AB: Activity Box 3+
23 Folding slide On loan (overdue) Sport: Sport and outdoor toys
106 Assorted Shape Sorter In library 12 B: Beginner 6mths - 2
419 Chef Costume In library 12 COST: Costume
9 Little People Wheelies Stand and Play Car Tower In library 5 C: Car - small toy cars 1 - 3 Fisher Price
424 Knight costume In library 3 COST: Costume
82 Supergirl Costume In library 5 COST: Costume
154 Sylvanian Families Adventure Tree House In library 14 P: Play set 3 - 6 Sylvanian
597 Playmobil pirate ship and castaway island In library 65 P: Play set
491 Nurse Costume In library 3 COST: Costume
2 Doctor Costume 2 In library 9 COST: Costume 2 - 6
458 Cruzee balance bike pink In library RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters
83 Woody Costume In library 2 COST: Costume 3 - 6
AB4 Activity Box 4 In library 7 AB: Activity Box 2 - 4
210 Little Tikes Kitchenette In library 41 R: Role-Play
554 Fairy Costume (3-6 years) In library 1 COST: Costume
245 Play Silks In library 3 R: Role-Play 6mths - 2
146 Duplo Town Bakery In library 39 CON: Construction 2 - 6 Duplo
662 Wooden School bus set In library 9 C: Car - small toy cars 2 - 4
91 Pirate Costume In library COST: Costume
120 Pop Up Pirate In library 26 GAME: Games 4+
86 Police Costumes In library 4 COST: Costume
AB15 Activity Box 15 In library 5 AB: Activity Box
366 Rockin` Tunes Giraffe In library 1 I: Indoor 1 - 3 Fisher Price
719 Mini jumper trampoline On loan 2 Motor: Gross motor 3 - 6 Kmart
647 Kick Bricks In library 30 I: Indoor 1 - 6
456 Vet play set In library 8 I: Indoor
121 Train with blocks In library 17 CON: Construction 1 - 6
42 Whirly squigz and pip squigz In library 6 B: Beginner 6mths - 2
376 Little Tikes BBQ On loan 22 R: Role-Play 2 - 6 Little Tikes
813 Dyson mini vacuum On loan (overdue) I: Indoor 1 - 6
629 Blue Ride on In library 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 3
448 Dino Friends In library 25 CON: Construction 4+
711 Dart ball shark zone In library 4 GAME: Games 3 - 6
70 Star Wars Rey Costume In library 6 COST: Costume 3 - 6
683 Guess Who Boardgame In library 15 GAME: Games 4+
96 Aboriginal boy doll dressed in fire dreaming olive In library 3 I: Indoor 2 - 6
88 Spiroku In library 9 PUZ: Puzzles 3 - 6
550 Witch costume In library 5 COST: Costume
798 Phillips trike In library RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 2 - 6
73 Little Red Riding Hood Costume In library 2 COST: Costume
66 Elephant Costume In library 1 COST: Costume 3 - 6
579 Police Station In library 16 I: Indoor Playmobil
722 Sylvanian Familiies Seaside Cruiser House Boat In library 59 I: Indoor 4+
46 Totem tennis On loan (overdue) 5 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys
346 Ookie board and pads In library 7 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters
655 Police car In library I: Indoor 2 - 6
805 Spin Again On loan 8 I: Indoor 1 - 3 Fat Brain Toys
814 Flockmen In library 17 I: Indoor 2 - 6
364A Lacing Fruits In library 29 F M: Fine motor 2 - 6 SJ Toy Zone
447 Airplane + Helicopter + Concrete Mixer In library 17 CON: Construction 2 - 6 Edtoy
412 Space Outfit In library 5 COST: Costume
173 Shopping Trolley In library 18 I: Indoor 1 - 4
69 Harry Potter Costume - Large In library 2 COST: Costume 4+
781 Red rocket ELC On loan (overdue) 10 I: Indoor
391 Doctor Costume In library 9 COST: Costume
749 Tactilo loto In library 17 GAME: Games
715 Sushi go card game In library 110 GAME: Games 4+
475 Animal Pop-up On loan 1 B: Beginner 0 - 2
172 Blocks Trolley In library 17 I: Indoor
555 Barbie Rock N Royals Costume (3-5 years) In library 1 COST: Costume
18 Sensory and Motor Skill Box 1 On loan 3 AB: Activity Box 1 - 3
315 Little tikes Fire engine On loan RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 6
68 Farm Animals In library 21 I: Indoor 1 - 4
670 Pj Masks Owelette Costume In library COST: Costume 3 - 6 Kmart
787 Teepee tent In library 11 I: Indoor
753 Fire Brigade/Police In library 35 I: Indoor
742 Wooden Blocks 50 piece In library 50 I: Indoor
477 Playmobil Farm In library 44 I: Indoor 4+
779 Indigo Jamm Ride on scoot In library I: Indoor
13 Fisher Price Doll House In library 7 R: Role-Play 1 - 6 Fisher Price
439 Cleaning Set In library 12 I: Indoor 1 - 6
675 John Deer Tractor In library 3 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 3 - 6
760 Large box of duplo and mega blocks In library CON: Construction
689 Toddler laptop and CD player In library 4 I: Indoor 6mths - 2
728 Leap Frog Play Table On loan I: Indoor 0 - 2
783 Mixed car box In library 13 C: Car - small toy cars
676 Police Trike In library RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 3 - 6 Euro trike
76 Geolacing Match In library F M: Fine motor
802 Mini micro scooter On loan RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 2 - 6
72 Bubble truck In library B: Beginner
326 Dolls house In library I: Indoor 2 - 6
75 Belle Costume In library COST: Costume 3 - 6
16 Teeter Totter In library 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 3
6 Little Tikes Lawn Mower On loan (overdue) 2 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 2 - 4 Little Tikes
339 Hand Puppets In library 5 I: Indoor 1 - 6
795 Mr Potato Head -Silly Suitcase In library 27 P: Play set
693 Fisher Price my stroll and play first pram walker In library 2 B: Beginner 1 - 4 Fisher Price
674 Rainbow wooden stacking blocks In library 6 B: Beginner 1 - 3
717 Zingo bingo game In library 80 GAME: Games 4+
508 Take Along Toolbox In library 18 R: Role-Play
797 Green toys transport bundle On loan 5 C: Car - small toy cars 1 - 6 Green toys
761 Grey wooden dolls pram In library 5 I: Indoor
78 Jester Costume In library 2 COST: Costume 4+
673 Wooden rainbow stacking rings In library B: Beginner 1 - 3
128 Soccer goals In library 9 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys
138 Giant Dominos In library 28 GAME: Games
685 Connect 4 game In library 46 GAME: Games 4+
459 Duplo Cube In library 83 CON: Construction 1 - 3
111 mini2go micro scooter In library 2 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 6
47 Activity Lock Box In library F M: Fine motor 1 - 6
596 Sylvanian Tree House On loan 31 P: Play set 3 - 6
800 Paw Patrol Rubble's Deluxe Bulldozer In library 8 I: Indoor 3 - 6
51 Singing teapot In library B: Beginner
556 Ladybug Costume (3-5 years) In library 3 COST: Costume
710 Plastic Tool Box and Workbench In library 15 R: Role-Play
AB3 Activity Box 3 In library 9 AB: Activity Box 2 - 4
688 magnetic tiles In library 132 CON: Construction 3+ Kmart
649 Pull Along Car And Toys In library 3 I: Indoor
92 Woody Costume 2 In library COST: Costume
678 Way to play road In library 22 C: Car - small toy cars 3+
AB17 Baby activity box 6-12 months On loan 17 AB: Activity Box 0 - 1
421 Paw patrol Marshall's Transforming Fire Truck In library 5 C: Car - small toy cars
736 Multicultural wooden people playset In library 17 P: Play set 2 - 6
36 Pat Bells Shelf Playme In library 2 M: Musical 1 - 6
741 Dyson vacuum cleaner On loan 1 I: Indoor
98 Aboriginal girl doll dressed in fire dreaming olive On loan 3 I: Indoor 1 - 6
518 Plush food set In library 45 I: Indoor
87 Kings castle In library 11 I: Indoor
593 Playmobil Pony Farm In library 62 I: Indoor 3 - 6
229 Pink sit in car In library B: Beginner 0 - 2
665 Little People songs and sounds Camper In library 5 I: Indoor 1 - 6 Fisher Price
747 Grey wooden dolls house In library 25 I: Indoor
721 Wahu Double Cricket Set In library 13 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 3+
667 Bath Play Doll set In library 10 R: Role-Play 3 - 6 Kmart
3 Emma Wiggle Costume In library COST: Costume 2 - 4
786 Little people zoo In library 12 I: Indoor
599 Fire Station In library 6 I: Indoor 2 - 6
766 Market stand In library 73 P: Play set 3 - 6
654 Zebra Walker In library B: Beginner 6mths - 2
AB18 Baby activity box 6-12 months On loan 31 AB: Activity Box 0 - 1
33 Tonka Dump truck In library C: Car - small toy cars
653 Mega Bloks lil princess 3 story enchanted castle In library 42 I: Indoor 2 - 6
716 Too many monkeys card game In library GAME: Games 4+
521 Safari Sounds Jungle On loan 4 I: Indoor 2 - 4 Fisher Price
392 Brio Fire Engine In library 158 I: Indoor
285 Pet rescue mobile In library 16 I: Indoor 2 - 6
226 Push Along Red Car On loan RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters
669 Paw Patrol Chase Classic costume In library COST: Costume 3 - 6 Kmart
32 Recycle truck In library 2 C: Car - small toy cars
41 Storytime shape sorter In library 14 I: Indoor
672 Kinderboard In library Motor: Gross motor 3+
588 Building Block Dominos In library 86 I: Indoor
175 Car Run In library 5 C: Car - small toy cars
767 Red ride on Porsche On loan C: Car - small toy cars
461 Scoop & Learn Ice Cream Cart On loan 21 R: Role-Play 2 - 6 Leap Frog
785 Green toys tea set In library 17 P: Play set
762 Ball buddies tunnel tower In library 14 I: Indoor
687 Wooden plane playset In library 9 I: Indoor 2 - 6 Kmart
757 Black and red keyboard In library M: Musical
765 Pedal free swing car On loan RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters
377 Vanity Set In library 10 R: Role-Play
27 Batman Costume In library 3 COST: Costume
470 Boxset Pirate Island In library 9 I: Indoor 3 - 6
12 Baby Car Bouncer In library B: Beginner 0 - 1
PB3 Puzzle Box 3 In library 6 PUZ: Puzzles
745 Pasta set In library 30 R: Role-Play
789 V tech toot toot fire station In library 7 C: Car - small toy cars
705 Round the city Rescue rug and vehicle set In library 5 I: Indoor 3 - 6 Melissa & Doug
351 Build a ma jigs Roadster and dump tuck In library 39 CON: Construction 3 - 6
723 Wooden climbing boat set In library 6 Motor: Gross motor
59 Little people school bus In library 7 C: Car - small toy cars 1 - 6 Fisher Price
113 Playmobil Country In library 38 P: Play set 4+
732 Wooden Airport In library 11 I: Indoor
114 Kinderfeets Tiny Tot Plus Trike On loan RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 4
754 Pink horse rocker On loan RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters
309 Activity Garden Rock`n Spin In library 1 B: Beginner 1 - 3 Little Tikes
48 Rumble Steering Wheel In library B: Beginner 6mths - 2 Fisher Price
679 Car bundle In library 8 C: Car - small toy cars 3+
658 Baby Einstein Neptune Jumper In library B: Beginner 6mths - 2
431 Betsy the green Jumping Cow In library 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 4 Kiddzz Farm
19 Connetix Mega Pack In library 212 I: Indoor 3 - 6
40 Busy play pals pop up animals In library B: Beginner
752 Yellow grader In library C: Car - small toy cars
49 Grow n learn garden caddy On loan 4 B: Beginner 6mths - 2 Fisher Price
472 Little Baby Marli Doll In library 3 R: Role-Play 1 - 4
381 Bluey Heeler Family Home & Outdoor BBQ Set In library 23 P: Play set 3 - 6 Kmart
790 Yellow 3 wheeler Bike In library RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 3
37 Shape sorter In library 9 I: Indoor
214 Thomas and Friends Ball Rolling Activity In library 4 I: Indoor 0 - 2
758 Waterfall discovery wall On loan 14 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys
375 LT Cupcake Kitchen In library 7 R: Role-Play 2 - 4 Little Tikes
681 Jumbling tower game In library 49 GAME: Games 4+ Kmart
755 Red truck In library C: Car - small toy cars
809 Elsa from Frozen Costume Toddler size In library 1 COST: Costume 1 - 3
63 Mermaid Costume In library 3 COST: Costume 2 - 4
520 Spiderman Costume (3-5 years) In library 2 COST: Costume
62 Mini climber set In library 5 Motor: Gross motor
763 Love and care play set In library 37 P: Play set
808 John Deere animal sounds hay ride play set In library 6 I: Indoor 1 - 3
810 Batman costume toddler In library 4 COST: Costume 1 - 3
664 Vtech Alphabet Apple In library GAME: Games 2 - 6 Vtech
751 Musical picnic basket In library 10 I: Indoor
438 Pastries Set In library 28 R: Role-Play 2 - 6
15 Wooden Baby Walker In library 4 B: Beginner 0 - 2
784 Green toys trucks set In library 7 C: Car - small toy cars
804 Inny Binny On loan 7 B: Beginner 0 - 2 Fat Brain Toys
105 Australiana finger puppets set of 25 In library 25 I: Indoor
223 Activity table In library 2 I: Indoor
714 Kinderfeets tiny tots balance bike In library F M: Fine motor 1 - 3
21 Hape quadrilla marble run In library 94 CON: Construction 4+
99 Tuzzles set of 4 aboriginal art puzzles In library 4 PUZ: Puzzles 3 - 6
799 Bluey's Tree Playset In library 8 I: Indoor 3 - 6
136 Glockenspeil In library 27 M: Musical
93 Buzz Lightyear Costume In library 2 COST: Costume
133 Wriggly worm In library 19 I: Indoor 2 - 4
698 Little Tikes Basketball Hoop In library 2 GAME: Games Little Tikes
AB16 Tummy time activity box In library 8 AB: Activity Box 0 - 1
8 Totli Sensory Box In library 16 F M: Fine motor 0 - 2
551 Clown dress In library 2 COST: Costume
725 Globber Scooter In library RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 2 - 6
483 Pirate Dress Costume In library 5 COST: Costume 3 - 6
AB10 Activity Box 10 In library 6 AB: Activity Box 3+
677 Paw Patrol Bundle In library 16 C: Car - small toy cars 3+
102 Australian wildlife memory game In library 25 GAME: Games 2 - 6
331 Spiral Train Set In library I: Indoor
112 Rainmaker In library B: Beginner
39 Connetix magnetic tiles On loan (overdue) 131 CON: Construction
109 Stacking blocks - zen In library 7 F M: Fine motor 2 - 6
811 Spiderman costume toddler size In library 2 COST: Costume 1 - 3
342 Ten pin bowling In library 11 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys
632 Little Tyro Numeracy Pack In library 9 I: Indoor 3 - 6
584 Duplo Hospital In library 80 I: Indoor 2 - 6 Duplo
140 Drum In library 2 M: Musical
429 Marble Race Deluxe In library 63 I: Indoor 3 - 6
801 Connetix Magnetic Tiles Pastel Ball Run In library 106 I: Indoor 3 - 6 Connetix
AB14 Activity Box 14 In library 5 PUZ: Puzzles 3 - 6
437 Car Transporter In library 8 I: Indoor 2 - 6 Plan Toys
58 Car Track In library 9 I: Indoor 2 - 4
393 Mobilo Set In library 76 CON: Construction 3 - 6 Mobilo
79 Shape Sorting Box In library 11 I: Indoor
585 Sand Castle Play set In library 10 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 1 - 6
378 LT Sports Centre In library 7 I: Indoor 1 - 3
AB1 Activity Box 1 In library 10 I: Indoor 3 - 6
340 Musical Set In library 16 M: Musical 1 - 6
394 Duplo Farm In library 153 CON: Construction 1 - 3 Duplo
455 Ukulele On loan 1 M: Musical 3 - 6 Hape
10 Stacking Boxes In library 4 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 2 - 4
449 Duplo Zoo In library 61 I: Indoor 1 - 3 Duplo
428 Creative food DUPLO On loan 76 CON: Construction 1 - 3 Duplo
485 Fisher Price Activity House In library 6 I: Indoor 1 - 3 Fisher Price
143 Wiggles Big Red Car On loan (overdue) 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 4
507 Shape Sorting Clock In library 13 PUZ: Puzzles 1 - 3
232 Cherry Lane Cottage In library 15 I: Indoor 2 - 4
436 Ed Mini Cars In library 5 I: Indoor 2 - 6 Edtoy
29 Zoo play centre In library 24 P: Play set 1 - 4
60 Sort and Stack Mail Box In library 6 I: Indoor 0 - 2
278 Sushi Slicing playset In library 21 I: Indoor 2 - 6 Melissa & Doug
125 Little Tikes Fire Engine In library 1 C: Car - small toy cars 2 - 4 Little Tikes
65 Lion Costume In library 1 R: Role-Play 3 - 6
227 Big City Garage On loan 29 I: Indoor 2 - 6
7 Triqo In library 109 CON: Construction
180 Atom Construction In library 106 CON: Construction 3 - 6
153 Interstar Blocks In library 44 CON: Construction 1 - 6
169 Beach Cricket Set In library 7 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 3 - 6
22 Wooden High Chair and Doll On loan 2 R: Role-Play 2 - 4
AB11 Activity Box 11 In library 4 I: Indoor 3 - 6
80 City Blocks In library 30 I: Indoor 2 - 6
110 Sand Play Set In library 4 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 1 - 6
52 Playabout In library 2 B: Beginner 0 - 2
101 Pull Along Car/Telephone In library 1 I: Indoor 0 - 2
435 Cow Roly Poly In library 4 B: Beginner 0 - 2 Janod
AB13 Activity Box 13 In library 6 I: Indoor 3 - 6
368 Maze Balancing Board In library 2 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 3 - 6
389 Picnic Set In library 15 I: Indoor 2 - 6 Djeco
35 Ezy roller On loan 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 6
200 Wooden Construction set In library 76 I: Indoor
462/3 Vehicle Magnetic Blocks In library 30 CON: Construction 2 - 4
163 Baby Rattles In library 5 B: Beginner 0 - 1
360 Tolo Construction Set In library 4 I: Indoor 1 - 6
434 Flower set In library 15 I: Indoor 3 - 6 Plan Toys
410 Noah`s Ark - Pin Toy In library 21 I: Indoor 2 - 6
631 Young Maestro Rattles In library 4 I: Indoor 0 - 2
14 Mirror Tent with soft blocks In library 3 Motor: Gross motor 0 - 2
616 Balancing Logs On loan 11 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 2 - 6
433 Airplane / Rocket magnet In library 2 I: Indoor 2 - 6 Janod
374 LT Mobile In library 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 0 - 2 Little Tikes
615 Planks In library 101 I: Indoor 3 - 6
107 Bilibo spinning seats In library 3 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 2 - 6
4 John Deere Monster Threads In library 4 F M: Fine motor
24 Front End Loader - Little Tikes In library 1 C: Car - small toy cars 1 - 6
407 Sorting Cage - Pin Toy In library 7 B: Beginner 1 - 3
129 Laundry Set In library 20 R: Role-Play 2 - 6
636 Food Playset In library 83 I: Indoor 1 - 6
PB2 Puzzle Box 2 In library 8 PUZ: Puzzles
591 Sylvanian Families Caravan and camping In library 25 I: Indoor 2 - 6
626 Anna Frozen Costume In library 1 COST: Costume
495 Whizzy Dizzy In library 1 Motor: Gross motor 2 - 4
AB6 Activity Box 6 In library 6 PUZ: Puzzles 6mths - 2
PB8 Puzzle Box 8 In library 4 PUZ: Puzzles
AB9 Activity Box 9 In library 4 PUZ: Puzzles
633 Little Tyro Literacy Pack In library 7 I: Indoor 3 - 6
603 Stumps & Leafs stepping stones On loan 13 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 2 - 6
108 Triceratops Rocker In library 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 0 - 1
451 Cowgirl Costume In library 4 COST: Costume
460 musical Band On loan 3 M: Musical Hape
PB6 Puzzle Box 6 In library 7 PUZ: Puzzles
AB2 Activity Box 2 In library 6 AB: Activity Box 1 - 3
519 Batman Costume In library 3 COST: Costume 2 - 6
607 Angling Fever In library 21 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 2 - 6
367 Stepping Stilts In library 3 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 3 - 6
516 Little People Airport In library 14 I: Indoor 1 - 6 Fisher Price
471 Workbench - Step 2 In library 7 I: Indoor 2 - 6
PB4 Puzzle Box 4 In library 7 PUZ: Puzzles
480 Duplo My first Circus In library 70 I: Indoor 1 - 4 Duplo
AB8 Activity Box 8 In library 9 GAME: Games
443 Bamboo Cars In library 8 I: Indoor 1 - 4 Hape
524 Ride-On Pirate Ship In library 4 I: Indoor 1 - 3
490 Schleich Zoo Animals In library 9 I: Indoor 1 - 6
642 Circus Tent In library 6 I: Indoor 1 - 6
606 Roller Coaster In library 6 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 6
487 Tiny Tot Driver On loan 1 B: Beginner 6mths - 2 Vtech
594 Playmobil Fairy Castle In library 21 I: Indoor 2 - 6 Playmobil
612 Musical train In library 4 M: Musical
94 Boxset Plane In library 12 I: Indoor 2 - 4
476 Urban Playscape In library 108 I: Indoor 3 - 6
50 Jungle Jamboree In library 7 I: Indoor 1 - 3 Little Tikes
425 Building Blocks in a Bag In library 51 I: Indoor 1 - 6
PB5 Puzzle Box 5 In library 5 PUZ: Puzzles
345 Motorcycle In library 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 4 Step 2
347 Scooter In library 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 2 - 4
274 Tolo Safari In library 8 I: Indoor 2 - 6
371A Red Radio Flyer Trike On loan 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 2 - 4
89 LP Pop and Surprise Train In library 16 I: Indoor 1 - 4 Fisher Price
600 Kangaroo Climber In library 6 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys
630 Boomophone In library 12 I: Indoor 2 - 6
634 Put`n Shake Eggs In library 7 I: Indoor 0 - 2
578 Croquet animals In library 18 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 3 - 6
637 Poppin` Play Piano On loan 1 B: Beginner 1 - 3 Leap Frog
5A Bucket Top Mountain Trainset In library 115 I: Indoor
580 Space Discovery On loan 18 I: Indoor 3 - 6 Hape
97 LP Animal Sounds Farm In library 13 I: Indoor 2 - 4 Fisher Price
598 Lego Quatro In library 75 CON: Construction 1 - 3
142 Matching & Sorting Box In library 58 GAME: Games 2 - 6
349 Hedger On loan (overdue) 1 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 1 - 4 Victa / John Deere
525 Garden Plant n Play In library 10 I: Indoor 1 - 3 Little Tikes
126 "12"" Repco bike with trainers" In library 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters
466 Water Play (staggered platform) In library 26 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 3 - 6
379 Little Tikes Fire Truck (Ride and Rescue Cozy Coupe) On loan (overdue) 2 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 4
500 Qubo First Block Set In library 19 I: Indoor 1 - 3
494 Zippy Go Rider In library 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 3 Step 2
17 Tool Box Pin Toy In library 20 CON: Construction 3 - 6
PB7 Puzzle Box 7 In library 7 PUZ: Puzzles
38 Bristle Blocks In library 107 CON: Construction 1 - 6
341 Mini Golf Course In library 23 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 3 - 6
628 Red Ride on In library 1 RIDE: Ride ons bikes and scooters 1 - 3
484 Dinosaur Train Friends In library 4 I: Indoor 2 - 4
526 Princess Songs Palace In library 9 I: Indoor 2 - 6 Fisher Price
262 Imaginary Shopping In library 34 R: Role-Play 3 - 6
167 Bigger Farm Family In library 12 R: Role-Play 2 - 4 Step 2
646 Grabber Truck In library 1 I: Indoor 1 - 3
117 Little Tikes Blue Hauler Truck On loan (overdue) 2 I: Indoor 1 - 3 Little Tikes
100 Geokid Peg Game In library 21 GAME: Games 2 - 6
261 Pirate Ship In library 11 I: Indoor 3 - 6
620 Puppet Theatre In library 10 I: Indoor 3 - 6
AB12 Activity Box 12 In library 7 I: Indoor
PB1 Puzzle Box 1 In library 10 PUZ: Puzzles 2 - 4
219 T-Ball Set On loan 5 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 2 - 6
77 Dinosaurs On loan 4 R: Role-Play 2 - 6
283 Shopping Cart and Food In library 34 R: Role-Play 2 - 6
509 Wooden Farm Train On loan 11 I: Indoor 2 - 4
362 Fold Away Playground In library 10 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 2 - 6
189 Imaginext Pirate Ship On loan 11 I: Indoor 3 - 6 Fisher Price
428A Duplo 1.5 to 3 years In library 64 I: Indoor 1 - 3 Duplo
67 Baby Bath Set and Doll In library 9 Sport: Sport and outdoor toys 1 - 4